
image/svg+xml Crane   Shadow Master 257
Mekrotsidalb Formerly known as Bladistorkem, Mekrotsidalb survived many clan wars just using his great shadow master barehanded skills, killing more than 150.000 ninjas in the process.
Cannot Attack: You must become a ninja first.
Last active 724 days ago

Formerly known as Bladistorkem, Mekrotsidalb is one of the few ninjas still standing despite of the time thas has gone by since this land was crowded by true warriors. Survived many clan wars just using his great shadow master barehanded skills, killing more than 148.000 ninjas in his learning path.
Now, hidden in the shadows, he could be trying to kill you while you are reading this...

Cheater exposed --> "<ghostboy>
hey blad, how would u feel about benifiting us both by giving me ur account info so i could go in ur account and get a bounty then going into mine and getting it, i could get mushrooms and give u half(buy 22 give u 11) that way we could both be getting kill"
[5n*(n-1)]/2. 147.320