
image/svg+xml Dragon   Shadow Master 309
Cannot Attack: You must become a ninja first.
Last active 3566 days ago

Hello old friends. For the many ninjas I spent many, many hours with in my past I just want to say, I miss you all! It's awesome coming back to see some very familiar names. Message me! I'm like making real money irl. For all you newbs, keep training. One day, you can even achieve what I have achieved....greatness

Heavy lies the crown.

"The path of the righteous ninja is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil clones. Blessed is he who, in the name of NinjaWars and good will, shepherds the n00bs through the valley of the darkness with only one proflie. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon Multis with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am Shogun Assassin when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Shogun 25:17

You obliterate the clone sawako for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone annihilate for 0 health, 0 turns.

You obliterate the clone Owlet for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone annihilate for 0 health, 0 turn

You obliterate the clone sawako for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone annihilate for 0 health, 0 turns.

You obliterate the clone Owlet for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone annihilate for 0 health, 0 turn

You obliterate the clone shadow123 for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone annihilate for 0 health, 256 turns.
You obliterate the clone Owlet for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone sawako for 0 health, 0 turns.

You obliterate the clone shadow123 for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone sawako for 0 health, 0 turns.

You obliterate the clone shadow123 for 0 health, 0 turns and the clone Owlet for 0 health, 0 turns.

You obliterate the clone RedSonya39 for 217 health, 22 turns and the clone wayne1 for 103 health, 11 turns.

You obliterate the clone RedSonya39 for 0 health, 31 turns and the clone Blue for 150 health, 9 turns.

You obliterate the clone rochelle313 for 158 health, 3 turns and the clone RedSonya39 for 469 health, 35 turns.

You obliterate the clone ninjamaster331 for 1283 health, 100 turns and the clone hellboy3 for 205 health, 94 turns.


Highest Health: 20099