After much work, is donning a shiny new suit of armor with a full HTTPS makeover! 🛡️ Your favorite ninja web game is now fully secured with the green lock, ensuring a safe and encrypted browsing experience for all our players. 🕵️‍♂️ It's taken time to ninja-proof all our features for HTTPS compatibility, but we're thrilled to announce that after rigorous testing and fixes, we're ✅ green checked as much as possible! 🔄 Automatic Redirection Magic: Our redirect is designed to seamlessly handle everything in the background. Any necessary redirects will be swift and automatic, ensuring you can focus on your ninja exploits without any hassle. 🛠️ Help Us Fine-Tune: Should you encounter any issues after January 8th, 2024, we definitely want to hear about it! Reach out via the Staff page, and we'll swiftly address any bugs that remain. Keep those shurikens sharp and game on! 🎮